Achieving a clear and clean kitchen can be a back breaker task if there’s clutter all around the cooking room. But it isn’t impossible, and we are here with a few tips to keep away the clutter that’s making your kitchen look like a mess.
An unclean kitchen doesn’t just look bad, but it has a significant impact on the residents’ health. The uneaten food and drinks scattered on the counter top can invite rodents such as cockroaches, and the results can be fatal.
Here are a handful of de-cluttering tips for a clean kitchen that are certainly worth the effort. Just follow them religiously and attain a spick and span kitchen.
Questions to ask yourself before indulging in cleaning the kitchen
Do I really need this?
Pick up every item, and ask if you really need it or it is just eating up the counter top space, making it look crammed, and small. Keep all the items away that you barely use, or put them into the cabinets or drawers to get some free space.
You can even donate some of the items that you have no plans to use.
How often do I use it?
The only items sitting on the counter top should be that you use every day, such as the toaster. Keep the appliances aside that you don’t use regularly, and find another place where they can sit without cluttering the kitchen.
It can be a bit daunting to pick every item in the kitchen, so make sure to play your favourite music track to keep boredom away. Furthermore, it’s advised to make a list of items that you are putting in the drawer so that it becomes easier to find them when required.
Here are our 6 Ways to a Clean Kitchen
1. Dedicate some time to cleaning
Decluttering the kitchen isn’t a cinch, and may take a lot of time depending on its condition. Taking out a few minutes from your busy schedule will not hinder you professionally.
Moreover, you won’t be overstressed due to cleaning. Waking up 30 minutes before your everyday schedule will surely help you get rid of the clutter within a few days.
2. Muster some storage boxes
You will find numerous items in the kitchen that you barely use once a year, and these items deserve a place in the storage box. Putting these items in the cabinets can create clutter and chaos, so it’s better to put them in the store.
Make sure to use good quality boxes that are durable, so that they don’t break down even when you overpack them.
3. Pay Attention to One Area at a Time
Now it’s the time to declutter and clean the kitchen! Don’t rush and pay attention to one area a
t a time. If you are cleaning the benchtop, don’t run behind cleaning the cabinets and drawers, as it can again lead to creating a mess.
4. Think Practical, But Pretty
Some folks just stash jars into the cabinets and drawers, but you don’t have to do that. When planning to store these items think practically, but ensure that the things stored inside the cabinets look clean and good. Place all the jars in one cabinet, and do this with all similar items. It will surely ma
ke your life easier, and finding the right jar won’t take a lot of time when it’s needed.
5. Say No to Clutter
So, the kitchen is looking good and uncluttered? Well, to make sure that it looks the best all the time, it is indispensable to say no to clutter.
Don’t keep the uncleaned plates in the sink overnight, and put everything back into its place. This is essential for a sparkling clean kitchen.
Educate your kids about keeping the kitchen clean, and putting the trash into the bin rather than tossing it on the floor. Putting kids to cleaning can be a challenging task, so here’s how you should encourage your little one to clean.
6. Hire Professional Cleaners
Hiring professional cleaners is crucial if you want the kitchen and other rooms of the home to look spotlessly clean. De-cluttering the bench top isn’t sufficient to make the kitchen look clean, as the floor, tiles, and other such areas also need equal attention.
At Effly, we are the best domestic cleaners in the area that offer affordable cleaning services.
Why is decluttering a kitchen essential?
As per a study, an uncluttered kitchen has twice as much time for cleaning. Furthermore, an unclean kitchen attracts cockroaches, and other rodents that can contaminate the food, and utensils.
On the other hand, a simplified kitchen saves your day. It makes cooking easy and fun. Moreover, a clean benchtop stops the growth of bacteria and germs.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that a clean kitchen keeps you away from seeing a doctor.
How Can Effly Help You?
At Effly, we are the favourite cleaning company of hundreds of residents as we love cleaning and making your house clean. From kitchen to bathrooms and other areas of the house, our experts can clean almost everything.
Getting your house cleaned doesn’t cost a fortune, and we even offer recurring cleaning services that cost you less than one-time cleaning services.
Final Thoughts
Just decanting the appliances and food items won’t make the kitchen look uncluttered. You need to follow these tips in order to make it look organized.
It’d be great to get a pen and paper so that you can note down the items you are throwing away or putting in the cabinets.
Lastly, make sure to prepare your house before the cleaners arrive, as it’ll save our cleaners a lot of time which they’ll invest in cleaning the premises.
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6 Ways to a Clean Kitchen

Julie is a passionate writer a mother of three kids and a dedicated cleaning enthusiast, eager to share valuable insights and practical tips on maintaining a clean and organized home. With a deep understanding of the challenges of maintaining a tidy living space, Julie has spent years honing its expertise in cleaning methods, organizing techniques, and sustainable practices.